Long before the invention of rods and reels with little hooks on the end, there were people fishing for their food. The fishermen of those days had to work a little harder to catch the fish that they would take home and prepare. In those days, a fisherman would venture down to the coast or walk along the river banks and spear fish. As time went by, the way that people would go fishing changed. However, now it is making a comeback and some say that spear fishing is once again becoming a very popular sport.
The reason behind this newfound popularity is simple. It is the thrill of the hunt. It is all about being in the water and using your mind and body to capture a fish. Whereas on a rod and reel where you must wait for the fish to come to you, you get the satisfaction of finding the fish you want and catching it. This takes patience, but it also takes quick actions and timing to be able to get the fish out of the water.
To spear fish, you must be able to see the fish, which does require you to have somewhat clear water. You must also have the rod and spear. Some people may go snorkeling to improve their chances of success, but it still takes a large amount of skill if you want to be able to do it well. There are not many people who can simply say that they want to go spear fishing and catch the first fish that they see.
In some areas, such as Florida, there are fishing charters that can show you how to spear fish. They can tell you about the regulations there are with it and tell you where you can go spear fishing and find the most fish. That is why many people choose to make their first few times out spear fishing, time out with a professional who can guide them along to becoming a success.
As with all hunting sports, when you are first learning how to do it, it is best to take along someone else. There are always accidents that can happen and you would not want your new found sport to be one that turns out bad. Spear fishing is rapidly gaining in popularity, so it should not be too hard to find a spear fishing partner to take along.